A new year ahead of us, here we are.  Whew, where did 2016 go?  Was your 2016 good for you?  It had been a year of change here at It’s NOT a garage.  Starting online, writing posts(yea, right, I think we’ve seen that I haven’t been posting for quite some time), organizing in the shop, starting another online venture, etc, etc.  Lots of stuff going on here.  I’m not making silly resolutions, no one ever seems to follow up with em anyways.  I am simply making plans and then following through with them.  I’m spending more time posting hopefully useful information and tips, trying to organize the site to be more helpful to my readers, going to experiment with video via YouTube and more projects in the shop.  If anyone has any ideas of what they would like to read about, learn about or discuss, drop me a line at steve@itsnotagarage.com.  Here’s to a great new year ahead of us all.  Now get out in the shop and make something!

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